The four principles of CRM: Principle 4 - building unbeatable business propositions

The four principles of CRM: Principle 4 - building unbeatable business propositions

If you can truly understand what value a client or prospect wants to get, you can collaborate with them to create a solution which is precisely tailored to deliver it instead of, as is normally the case, what you want to sell. That means you can offer an unbeatable proposition, which can't be copied by others and so you don't need to get into a pricing discussion. To do this all departments need to see the whole client, not just the one which makes sense for their department. One reason for that is, while you cannot create unique products for every customer, you can build options into the way they are serviced which adds value to them. 

This video explains some of the issues businesses have with building unbeatable propositions, which mean they compete on price instead, and how a CRM can help.

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