How to organise your work with your ZOHO CRM

How to organise your work with your ZOHO CRM

One of the key reasons that businesses invest in ZOHO CRM is to organise the way they work more effectively. And that is what this eBook is about. It takes you through how you can use your CRM to get more out of your day. 

Home Screen: In my experience this is a very underused function within your CRM and most people skip over it. However, used effectively this is the command centre for the CRM and brings together everything you need to know about what you need to do, your up coming meetings, where you stand against your targets to keep you on track and more.

Emails: One of the most important benefits of a CRM system is how you communicate with your clients and of course email is a major channel for most people. The eBook talks you through how you can do this more effectively using your ZOHO CRM. Remember you can also integrate your CRM with telephony.

Using the CRM Records: In my experience a lot of problems with CRM come with users not fully understanding how to use the records correctly, so I take you through how to do this and explain how they work.

Managing and Organising your tasks: This is again and area that is frequently not used as effectively as it could be. There is an old saying in Sales - plan your work and work your plan. This is also about goal setting and always being on the ball with clients and prospects. More than that using this area enhances collaboration.